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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Increase Your Internet Speed Extra 20%

Windows uses  only 20% internet speed by default. Microsoft reserve 20% internet speed with their own purpose like windows update n driver updates etc. So if you want you can increase your internet speed 100%,  To do that follow these step below 

1) Start > RUN > Type   gpedit.msc > Hit Enter
 2) Then go to  Computer Configuration > Administrative Temples > Network > QOS Packet Scheduler > Limit Reservable Bandwidth  Then double click Limit Reservable Bandwidth 
3) Select 'Enable'  and put '0' in the box 'Bandwidth Limit (%) then 'ok' to exit

1) Start > RUN> Type  NCPA.CPL > Hit enter
2) Select  your Internet Connection  'Local Area Connection' or 'WiFi Network Connection' (Which is your Internet connection) and Right click to 'Properties'
3) Then duble click to Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv 4) > Select 'Use the following DNS server' Server Addresses' >  and put the GOOGLE DNS (Primary dns server) (Secondary dns server) then OK to exit
Now enjoy your speedy internet.

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